
Easier to Training Your Dog the Right Way - Step by Step

Good Dog training consists of three basic steps. If done properly and in the correct sequence, you will have a happy, well-trained dog. The three steps are: teaching your dog, correcting him, and proofing his training so that he is able to perform in any environment.

Step 1: The Teaching Phase. During this first phase, you are teaching the dog what a command means and what he is supposed to do. This step can be used whether you are teaching your dog to Sit or something more advanced. You have to teach the dog before you can move on to do anything else. It’s important to make teaching as much fun for your dog as possible during this step and the steps that follow. Dogs learn best when you keep things fun and it makes it more exciting for you to train them. If your dog thinks training is like a game, he will have a good attitude and enjoy learning.

Step 2: The Correction Phase. During this phase you know that the dog knows the exercise but he refuses to do it. When this happens you give a verbal correction or ignore them. The dog learns to do what you ask every time. Although you are correcting your dog, you should still keep this phase fun. Maintain a positive attitude toward your dog. Do not train your dog when you’re angry, tired or upset.

Step 3: The Proofing Phase. When your dog is doing everything well you start increasing the distractions present so that he learns to perform in any environment. This means that you can add sounds, things moving, additional people in the room, and take him to new places to practice the exercises. Proofing helps to make your dog perfect at performing the exercises and he learns to ignore the distractions. Take your time. It is more important to get things right than to rush your dog’s training. It can take a long time to proof some commands so that your dog performs them reliably. 

During this phase you will likely be working without the leash so plan to work in enclosed areas at first until you are sure that your dog can be trusted in open areas.By taking the required time to work on each step you will have a dog that not only works well in your living room without any distractions, but also outside around other people and distractions. The secret is to take the time to accomplish each step properly and make it fun for both you and your dog.Dog training and socialization at an early age will save you many headaches down the road.It is fun to keep a pet at home but it also calls for a couple of obligations to fulfill. Take note that what your dog does is out of habit. Thus, if you tolerate his bad habits, he will not be able to outgrow them. It will be you who will suffer in the end. It is best to start early with the dog training lessons.Puppies are dependent on you so it is your task to assist them let go of their bad habits and develop the good ones. You and your leadership skills will therefore guide your dog towards the right path in terms of honing his behavior, habits, and temperament. This is the main reason why dog training and socialization trainings are necessary.Training Your Dog at HomeSeparation anxiety often attacks young dogs. So, they normally cry, bark, chew, and do a lot of annoying things. You have to understand that it is also hard for him to adjust to his new environment. Thus, you should start with the house training activities by setting boundaries, introducing new areas, and letting him know those activities that you can tolerate and not.Do not be angry when your dog does not seem to understand at once. Potty training, leash training, and other behaviors are never achieved overnight. You have to use lots of praises, rewards, and encouragement. It is best to start as soon as possible so his old ways will be corrected. Incorporate fun sessions during the training. 

Use commands frequently. Whenever necessary, impose a punishment such as ignoring him for a short time, if he needs to be corrected.Leaning the Socialization SkillsThe dog’s socialization period is said to fall in his first 14-20 weeks of puppyhood. It is the time when he develops into an adult dog. Therefore, you must expect that it is also the time frame when he changes his temperament, behavior, habits, and character. The socialization period is also the time that he gets adjusted to his family and the people in the household.It is best to let him become familiar with the house and the people around. It helps to expose him to other animals too. This conditions him that it is not only him that exists in that area. Take him out for a walk so he will see what lies beyond the gates of your home. In this way, he will not go wild whenever he sees other objects, animals, and people apart from the members of his family. The more people he meets, the better he will be when he is an adult dog.During the dog socialization period, you should arm yourself with a doze of patience. Your puppy lacks maturity so it is your own responsibility to handle the matter really well. He imitates what he sees so you better act accordingly. Related VideoRelated InfoSocialization is something that is often preached about when you have a dog. In fact, it is something I cover with all of my clients Credits: How-To: Socializing Your Puppy or Dog (Video) | Victoria Stilwell …Socialization Aka providing positive experiences with new things so they can make a full and meaningful life. Here are 12 ways you can give your dog positive re-enforcement in new situations. Credits: 12 Tips To Help Your Dog’s Socialization | Dog Lovers Today

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